วันจันทร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Install MAMP + PHP-Nuke

MAMP=MAC + Apache + MySQL + PHP
MAMP is the easy way when I decided to use CMS web application software, because MAMP is already include all software I want. In just one click installed. Now go click and in stall MAMP together.

1. You need to Download new version of MAMP at www.mamp.info, www.living-e.com ( My MAMP in this review is 1.5b1 version )
2. Install MAMP
You just drag MAMP folder to your application folder and open it. You’ll find

Double click on MAMP icon

Wait until Apache Server and MySQL are turn on ( Green light )or You can control MAMP by wiget that’s in your MAMP folder When You push Quit Button, MAMP is automatic stop Apache Server and MySQL to. You can start and stop server from this window and you can setup first setting on Preferences .

In Preferences button you’ll find 4 tab. the first tab is Start/Stop that you can set to start server when starting MAMP and stop server when quitting MAMP. and when starting MAMP start page will start too.

Next tab is port setting. If you don’t know about this set to MAMP ports like this or set to default Apache and MySQL ports up to you but I set like this because don’t know about port.

on the Third tab, you can choose PHP version and PHP Extensions

Last tab is Document Root setting. You can choose document root here and you must remember this document root, because you have to put PHP file or HTML file on this folder that’s on “Application/MAMP/htdocs/”

3. Open safari and key “ http//:localhost/80/MAMP/” then enter or you can click Open start page on MAMP control

If you can see this page, MAMP is installed on your Mac and everything is working. and you’ll see 6 MAMP menu, first menu is start page that you see. The second menus is PHP information about version. MAMP also include phpMyAdmin that you can setup MySQL on this menu. It’ easy.

phpMyAdmin allowed you to customize your database. You can customize your database here.

That’s all MAMP setup and now we setup PHP-Nuke

4. Download new version of PHP-Nuke on www.phpnuke.org
5. unzip file and rename to “myweb” or anything you like, in this case I’m rename t “myweb”
6. Put “myweb” file in to Applications/MAMP/htdocs
7. Open phpMyAdmin in MAMP start page and create new database (my database’s name is nuke) and import data from nuke.sql ( it’s on sql folder on PHP-Nuke downloaded folder )
8. Open “myweb” file and open “config.php” by TextEdit (file “config.php” is in html folder)

9. Looking for “ $dbhost” paragraph because you need to edit $dbpass into your password that MAMP’s default is “root”

10. Safe
11. Open safari and type “http//:localhost/myweb/html/”

That’s all.

How to built a website?

You need
1. Idea : about content, theme that you present to your visitor is your personality.
2. Tools : to built your website that’s friendly your style
3. Money : to yourdomainname.com and host ( but you also can use web blog, it’s free )

3 mains thing you should have before you’re decided to built your own website ( maybe 2 if you decide to use webblog like me, but some tools you need to buy,remember you can use freeware tools too)

Idea : that should be come in your head before you build website because it’s a enthusiate you. May be an idea is a hobby you do everyday or the thing you’re interested. Throughly your hobby and your interested things, you must have a knowledge to write about every week, every days, because if you don’t update your site when visitor come twist time, he never comeback to your site again.

and idea then come to a tools you need. If you need a socialty site, that need people to sign in your site to post topic or interactive with you. You can’t use only formally web publishing programs, you need more professional tools.

Now we’re come to see a kind of tools you need.

1. Picture Editing program or image creater program. You can use Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator if you have much money. But I don’t have money then I choose Gimp,freeware to crop picture and make up. If you’re a good artist, your website is look good too, that’s value to your site.

2. Web publishing programs : I’ll separate a kind of program that match your idea and content.

1. Information web site(or personal web blog) : In this kind you just need to present about the information, no need visitor to participate yours. like this site, you just need a only web publishing tools that can show a content you need to tell.

Dreamweaver is a well known tool, easy to use, easy to understand.( but it’s hard for me) You don’t need to know about html, you’ve got a web site in every thing, every theme, every color you’re like.But the cost is too much for me.

But if you use intel mac, you looking for ilife’06 and you’ll find iweb. I really love it so much because it’s easy for me, it’s fit my style.( ilife’06 is bundle software in new intel mac, If you use old mac like G4,you need to buy )

2. Interactive website : In this kind you need more professional tools because you need forum on your site that mean you have member subscribing. You need a some database. And if you need encyclopedia or search term, you’re really need database and database administration program to easy for you to manage your database.

In this case I introduce you a CMS Program ( Content Management System ). And all of the CMS program I know it’s a opensource, freeware. Yes it’s free.

But it need more knowledge to manage them, remember I’m not a programer, I don’t know about html script. You need 5 program to install.
1. Web server on your computer. I choose Apache.
2. Database server. I choose MySQL
3. PHP
4. Database management program. I choose phpMyAdmin
5. CMS program. I choose PHP-Nuke.
OH! no 5 program, that I don’t know what is it. I think it’s a hard for me to do that, but when I looking more detail about this, I found MAMP, that install 4 software I want in one click. the 4 software is Apache, MySQL, PHP, phpMyAdmin in one click. It’s a very easy for me. And I just install PHP-Nuke. It’s fast. and it’s free.

But the disadvantage of almost CMR program is you can’t build your imagination site, it’s already provide you a theme that you download more on many website, it’s easy to use but if you a serius image person like me that’s bring more work to you.

If you have much money : Pay to website builder Use Dreamweaver
If you have less money : Use CMS program ( and pay for domain name and hosting )
If you have no money (but have a computer ) : Use CMS program and go to webblog that allow you to use CMS
If you have no money (and don’t have a computer) : find something to eat and sleep tight